Tuesday, May 31, 2016


I snoring.  turn up volum and listen how cute I is.

p.s. I sleeping in my mommys lap while she rocks me.  I dreaming of florida mike and Debbie...

Monday, May 30, 2016

I go on boat with yellow vest!

at furst I was a liddle scairt, but my mommy sez not to be
 Then I has fun and is ruvvung it and yelling to go faster!!  faster I is yelling.
 Then  I jest float around and bask in the sun. 
 I like watching around and   I so handsome in my yellow vest!!!
                                                I tink I shood be a model, donut you??
                                         I has so fun today!

Sunday, May 29, 2016


me and mommy goed to Pets Mart today for nu travel kennel for me.  and I finded nu friends.  my mommy sez no.  cuzzed we already have one.  I tink Mary needs a friend.  mommy sez no.

Friday, May 27, 2016

this is ruff housing

                                I pretend I so mean.  but nobuddy else tinks I am tho. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

me and asa play

                    my mommy calls this ruff housing.  me and Asa jest call it fun.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

more hansome

                                                              Asa ode man is good looking too

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

alot of hansome

                                                  NUFF SAID

Monday, May 23, 2016

me in morning

This is hows I look when my mommy comes in to git me up for the day!  I soooo happy to start new
                                                               ventures!!    see my wide eyes??

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I just cute

No words needed, cept to Asa--me too cute to ever git a liddle paddling.  there.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

I hike

We goed on long hike and  We comed to a liddle ocean in the mountains. 
I tink it volvano but my mommy sez it like this cuzzed of a forst fire. 

I get to meet a fish my mommy called small mouth bass.  oh I tink he has big mouth.  yup..
I is looking preddy cool huh?
I gotted my legs the color of pink frum the dirt.  I rested under a rock for a bit then I goed home.

Friday, May 20, 2016

sweet me

                                                      I gitted a flower in my bark box.  du you knowed whut a bark box is?  it's a collection of good for me snacks toyz and chew bonz.  it comes when my doorbell ringz evry month.  yup...evry month!!  I tink my next one is coming soon!!  I git toys, Asa gits snacks, and Max gitz chew bonz.  then we all share.  well kinda. 

Thursday, May 19, 2016

dreaming of Percy ride tractor

                                                      I RIDE TRACTOR!!!!  sweedest dream evar

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I ride tractor

*    me and my mommy goed to Home Depo 2day.  It wuz so fun.  I meeted the most good looking Basset Hound.  I tink that Basset Hound liked me too.  it jest keeped staring at me!
then I seed a fork lifting!  I wanted a ride
I dent git to ride fork lifting so I climed ladder to get high like fork lifting.
mommy sez to get down cuzzed I not ployee. 
I wait while mommy pays,
then the bestest think evar happened!!!!

I RIDE TRACTOR!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 17, 2016


Dunt I look like the Fonz????!!!!


we all ruuuuuvvvv bark box day!!  here is us ruvving its arrival.  I gotted good tings evry month

if you has doggies you shud have it come to your house too.  when you sign up make sure to put my name and mommys name.  then I git a free bark box!!

Monday, May 16, 2016

my tooths are loosed

I is loosing all of my milk teeth....  I not happy but they falled out innywayed.  I gitted  in mommys lap and whenned I gitted back down  I leaved behind a tooth!!!  I dint cry or anyting.  It jest means I gitting big boy.  Mommy says she is glad my needles are falling out.  whut needles??? 

snow all gonned

The floor is not white this morning.  Oh!!  I remember about sticks.  I go get one.
                                                       I gotted one!
                                                              I tewing one!
                                                Maybe I find water with stick.  I witching! 
                                                              I only finded pp.

Saturday, May 14, 2016


                                                     my mommy is talking about my wagon again.....

Friday, May 13, 2016

my wagon

so mommy a lot sez that she is gonna "fix my wagon".  but my wagon is not broken.  I dons even has a wagon.  I dunt get it..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

next bog

            I is jest tinking about my next bog...  hmmmm.....
I tink I sleep instead....

I waked up and tinked of next bog....
I look like helycoptor

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

hard pillows

these tings called "i start tomorrow" dunt make very good pillows.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

mommy an me

                                               I tinking bout tubble tings.  I might dig hole next.

Monday, May 9, 2016

puppy teeth

So I just tew big sticks outside.  I like it outside anywade.  I not doewing this cuzzed of whut Asa telled. me..  no I'm not.

you know, anudder stick

I finded somping strange, a stick sticking up..
 You knowed where I going???
 I going there fast!
nope, it duzzint fit thru flappy thing
Asa tells me secret infronmation that sticks will never ever fit thru flappy ting.  and even if they did Mommy would just maked me take it back outside.  He telled me I mite even git a liddle paddling. 
That is bad secret information.  I runned away frum Asa fast with Scaret face.  Asa has Laughing face cuzzed he knowed he telled me white lie. 
Ode Asa is NOT funny to me.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

I hang with Max

I has conceited now and walk away from Asa today. 

 me and Max gonna run this hood togetter now.  hmmmpppfff Asa.
                                                               so now he pouting. 
He comed looking for me now
and vinces me to has afternoon nap togedder.
we buddies agin

and I is happy with smiling.