Wednesday, February 7, 2018

i am learning agility!!!

I em SO happy-today wuzzed my very furst real agility class and I wuzzed SO happy!  mudder sed that I wuzzed in hog heaven.  I thought we were in a barn, but I gess pigs are in barns, and maybe that is heaven to pigs....   I dent know.  I evin tinked about it for a while, but it never did make iny sense.

I cud not wait to start learning.  I did so gud and mudder wuzzed laughing and laughing.

I barked out in excitement a lot of times.  I gitted to run thru tunnels and go over sum jumps!

thin sum udder doggies showed up and I watched them work and thin I evin got to work with them!
whin mudder sed it wuzzed time to go I gave her my saddest Percy face in hopes she wud change her mind.  it dent work, but she sed we git to come back next week!  I canz not wait!!