Wednesday, February 1, 2017

doggy totum pole

lookit whut my mommy made in poddery!  she ruvs doggies  so much that she created a totum pole of doggie tings!  I give it 2 paws up for neatoness!.
great job mommy up!  pssst, do you see me in the doorway in the backgrouwnd?  that is me all right. 
I tink I wuz evin crying becuz I hate my mommy being so far away frum me. 
hey, witch is your favorite piece of the totem pole?  I like the doggy bone.  tell me whut yurs is.
and do you know that she made these from clay on a poddery wheel?  I tink that is so good.
 I tink that jazzbar is so jealus that mommy did not make a kitty cat totem.