Friday, December 30, 2016

me and my mittens

I don't tink I has ever told you how much I ruv mittens, and gloves!  of all kinds and colors.  win my mommy wearz them I go all crazied up and tack her hands.  we play and play.  well, I getted my own wintertime pair in my last Bark Box.  I carry them all around and mommy lets me play tug with them! 
sumtimes I pretend dat I em wearing them on my paws hehehe
oh-do you see my basketball hoop?  I am learning to play dunk!  innyways, I ruv my new mittens
then on my walk today, I digged a glove out of the snow!  I wanted to bring it home but mommy sez no no Percy, you already have some mittens at home to play with.  darn it all
so I leaved it behind in the snow.  I hope its owner finds it.  its cold outside.