oooooo oooOOOOoooooOOOOOoo
(that is my scary sound)
I em in a big giant corn field.
these plants make me look so small. Mommy sed she evin picked an ear for me to has as a snack. I wundered whose ear she picked? And why I wud want an ear for a snack. Thin she sed that is whut a cob of corn is callt. Why the heck are they callt ears? Well we bringed it home and guess who finded it during the night?? That Jaguar Jazzybar!. She tried to take my ear away. but mommy sed no no, Jazzy, that is for Percy. it is his soovinear. get it? soovin EAR? heehee.
The next day I got my prize-make sure your volume is on, you can hear me enjoying my ear of corn
here are sum pitchers of me and my ear. I tink I has a new favrit ting in the world!
it makes me smile happyeelee
I gitted to peel it open furst!
yiiiick, it has hairy stuff inside. mommy sed its callt corn silk.
Mommy put it on my head and called me President Trump. I sticked my tung out at her. phooey.
mmmmmmm good. it is so deelishis!
crunch crunch crunch, tank oo mommy tank oo. Montana fresh corn sure is good. crunch crunch.