oh yeah! this iz so much fun. hurry up mommy, I smell sum lizzerds!
me, Percy is a proud American. Do you see our star spangled banner behind me?
I salute it,
I made it to the top, jest lookit the vuw behind me. that big road is the innerstate highway #25
it iz going to dinver.
I like to wach the cars going to dinver
but I em tired frum hiking, so I try to take a liddle rest. I almost falled asleep jest sitting here.
it is so pieceful!
duzznt it luk like I em on the moon?
But mommy jest turnt that pitcher in to black and white. here is the real colors.
kind of the colors of me!
I did a lot of hunting for lizzerds while we hiked back down. I dent git iny at all.
tanks mommy for a fun time today!!