Saturday, June 10, 2017

Mr. Pie in the sky

this morning on my wok I keeped hearing CAW CAW CAW CAW!!  mommy sed Percy look up there is a big maggiepie in that tree.  isn't he preddy?
I lukked up and saw this gigantuous  Maggiepie. he wuzzed preddy all right.  he also wuzzed as big as me, Percy.  and he wuzzed screaming CAWCAWCAWCAW at me.  I wundered  why. So I gave him a bark.  thin mommy sed Percy, look out!! and that bad birdie flied at me and tried  to tack me.  I ran for my life as fast as I cud and he flied right by me.  whew.
I stopped and lukked for him. 

I spied him sidding in anudder tree so I went to ask him why he wuzzed so mad at me.
                                        but he starded to fly right at me and wuzzed still  screeming CAW CAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAWCAW. and mommy yelled out  "come on Percy lets git outta here, that maggiepie  must has a nest nearby. RUN!"  I tinked for a second that lukking for his nest would be fun, but mommy wuzzed running so fast that I decided to go with her instead! also cuzzed she telled me that he cud peck a hole in my head.  YIKES!  we runned far and fast.   Mr. Pie did not follow us home thank goodness.  I dent wunt a hole pecked into my head.  bad Mr. Pie.