Monday, January 8, 2018

ice practise

today my mudder sed "come on Percy, it is a sunnty day and it is time you learnt how to walk safely on ice so you canz come fishing with us soon".  I sed "ok mudder let us go togedder.
I ruv it whin my mudder teaches me new tings.  she sez I am a fast learner.

however, as soon as we arrived mudder sed "Oh dear Percy, we have a bit of a problem"  the lake wuzzed not all freezed up-do you see the open water?  I had to stay on my leash very near the shore.

I wuzzed all safe and I learnt how to not slide , I also learnt something else...

that ,melting lake water tasted rilly yummy!

as always I had a liddle photo shoot.  did is me looking like a sentry to keep everyone safe!

I tended I wuzzed a life guard on the ice!!  nobody at all falled thru today!