Tuesday, March 14, 2017

my new riding box

this morning my frunt door sed Ding Dong and jest lookit whut wuz there-I getted a new travel crate!  mommy sez dat I haz growed so big that I has to have bigger safe box.  Asa tried to tell me that the safe box wuz for him.  he sed to me "I'm going and you are not Percy"  thin he kissed the crate box.
so I sed to grouch pants "nuh uh, dis is for me"  and I kissed the crate box.
                             but thin my kiss turned in to trying to tear the box opened up.
I jest cud not wait to try out my new safe box.
I wunted to help mommy git it out as fast as I cud.  I sed to max--"hep me Max, you are big and strong"..  Max did not hep me one bit.  I dent tink he cud hear me innyway.  so I kept working.
here is me trying to pull it out with all my mite. 
I never did get it out but mommy did!  and also out came sum fun chewy stuff mommy callt
                                                            Styrofoam.  I made big mess with it.  see?

oh and that is me going in to impty box.  I tink I could jest travel in dis big box.  hey, I could maybe travel thru the mail and go all kinds good places.  I tink me, Percy will need to git a passport.