Sunday, May 8, 2016

I hang with Max

I has conceited now and walk away from Asa today. 

 me and Max gonna run this hood togetter now.  hmmmpppfff Asa.
                                                               so now he pouting. 
He comed looking for me now
and vinces me to has afternoon nap togedder.
we buddies agin

and I is happy with smiling.


I telled Asa a liddle secret that Mommy ruvs me best.
 He pretended not to hear, so I yelled it at his ear.  he is ode you know.  maybe I need yell for him
 oh he heared me, cuz now he tode me secret...  That maybe mommy ruvs Max most.
That secret not funny, and it makes me attack. 
so we agree that Mommy not really have  favorite.  she ruvs us all the samed.  that works fir now.
                                                                  I guessed.


I ruv lunchedtime!!
even more than you know whut!
afterward I make Asa jealous cuz Ode mans dunt gets lunchedtimes like puppies! 
His earz go up with dat news...


Asa sez that Puppies are babies.  He makes aloof face and I runned away.  I not baby.  I big boy now.
Plus I see stick!

Max sez this is all Basset Hound nonsense.  He has better ting to do.  he watching for rodentz called skirrels.  he never teezes me with not needed secrets.
max is good muttley