Tuesday, January 9, 2018

a new adventure

me and mudder went on a furst time experience today!  I gotted to go to a doggy park and it wuz so fun!  Today is a bootiful January day in Colorado.  Not iny snow in sight.  jest lookit the sun shining down!

It made me so happy to run around on my own.  And it made my mudder calm to knw I wuz safe inside a big fenced yard.  We had the whole place to ourselves for a liddle while.  Mudder sed that is why we got to go!

I wuz so cited, my paws did nt evin touch the ground!  Thin sum frinds came along and I gitted to say hello to them.

I gave this guy a big sniff to introduce myself, thin these guys commed running in and gived me a big sniff to introduce themselves.

I wuzzed a liddle nervus becuze they were so much bigger thin me.  And also becuz I tinked they were jealus of my whistle-you know like people git jelus of fit bits and smart watches.  I hoped they wud not give me a mugging to steal it away from me.  
they did not.

you can always tell how much fun I have by how dirty I git.  Today wuzzed a very fun day!