Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labor Day



I em still kamping and it is in the morning now.  I want to tell you about my nite last night.  we had a kamping fire and made our dinner in the fire pit!  it wuzzed nice and cozy.

                                                                                                    I liked to watch the fire.

 mommy evin covered me in a blanket. ahhhh.

before it wuz campfire time we went for a liddle
evening stroll to watch the full moon rise up!

thin guess what happened when the moon wuzzed full... the coyotes started to howl!
they were all around us saying aaarrroooo  ararararooooo.  I knowed whut they wunted-they wunted me, Percy to come and join their pack.  I barked out and sed no, you bad coyotes, I em not joining your gang.  and not only that, but you go away, it is bed time now.  and thin there was silence.
and we goed in the tent and snuggled in the sleeping bags,  and falled asleep.
this morning win we waked up it wuz a liddle misty and cool. we splored around, and later mommy sed I dent evin see this hipitty becuz of the mist. she sed he wuz maybe a jack rabbit.
so hello, jack.
I tink this next pitcher is so cool.  it shows me looking at the mist and mommys shadow taking the pitcher.  neato, huh?

we had sum visitors on our hike.
mommy sed they were jest as cute as me....

                                                                                                    I sed "phooey" to that.

we goed back to kamp and I had a pout fest with my cattypillar.  no way are deer as cute as a doggy
but thin mommy gived me a chew bone and the pout fest wuz over.  win she gived it to me I noticed this big burn blister on her finger frum the heater last night.  poor mommy.

I hope she canz still pet me and give me chew bones and food.
she is sure my bestie!  whut a great kamping trip.  I has so much fun. tank you mommy. tank you.