Sunday, July 30, 2017

My Jurney

We are on our way! Yippeeee!!! I has already seen and dun so much.  We traveled out of Colorful Colorado and into Wyoming-the Equality State.  Sense its callt the Equal state I thought it wud be neato if I taked a pitcher of me with equal parts of me in Wyoming and Colorado. So, here I em with my frunt half in Colorado and my back half in Wyoming!
then we axilly seed sum camels in Wyoming.  Whut a weird animal to see.  Mommy sez they hold water in their humps!  And that sum people ride them!.  I wunt to ride one!!
But mommy sed no, no, Percy, doggies canznot ride camels at all.  And Innyways we has to keep driving to Montana.   So we did.  
There wuzzed anudder big sine telling us that we has arrived.
I lukked around a bit.
Thin my frind Phil taked me for my furst run in Montana!  It is so fun here!!!!


But it wuz time to go and keep driving to our cabin.
We finally made it to the river and Lake and our cabin-it wuz sun set win we got there.  I wuz so glad to be not driving innymore.  I gave mommy a big sun set kiss.
thin I smiled.

This wuz my welcoming committee at the cabin place.  nice, huh?  A big bootiful labradoodle named autum.  
mommy sed we canz play togedder later, now its time to go in and go to bed.  tomorrow is a big day.
so I gived my crazy cattypiler a goodnight kiss, then gitted on the bed.

and konked all out.  whew whut a long day for me, Percy.  nite nite.