Thursday, December 14, 2017

death of lambchop

I finally did it---I tore up Asa's favorit toy in the world!  I killed "lamby".  I wuzzed mad at grouchy pants becuzzed he wud not play with me, he wuzzed too busy taking a nap.  So I sneaked his Lambchop out frum under him and tore him all up.  I evin pulled out his squeeker!  it wuz so citing.

but thin mommy commed in the room.  She yelled out 'PEERCY! WHUT ARE YOU DOING TO LAMBY?"  "Give that to me right now".  mommy taked him away frum me.  and callt me a bad boy.
I gave mommy the saddest most guilty face ever and tried to say sorry.

but I rilly wuzzed not sorry at all.  as a madder of fact, I evin tellt grouchy pants that I did it!
             but grouchy pants lukked so lonely without his little lambchop.  and thin he layed down around all of his favrit toys innerds, and jest stared at the big slaughter.  I cried.  I feeled so bad.

I tried to give Lamby back to grouchy pants.

all I rilly did wuz bite off one of his legs and take out sum stuffing and a squeeker.  
but mommy sed he is ruined without his squeeker.  oh no.  I ruined him.  
I has to ask santy paws to bring a new one for grouchy pants.  I has to go now so I canz right him a letter.