Wednesday, May 17, 2017

snow is coming agin

I canznot believe that summertime is almost here and that snow is coming back tomorrow.  today mommy sed come on boyz, we have sum yard work to do before dat white stuff comes soon. we all went outside to help but it wuz so nice  that me and grouchy pants Asa and old man Max just fell asleep instead.
I tried to git up and go where mommy wuz working to help her, but I jest falled to sleep agin.
I did gard the leaf pile tho.

thin we saw this!!!!
and mommy cud not cut down that branch.  she sed that if she did it wud result in less ladbugs being borned.  I dent understand, but she cut down anudder branch and I helped her carry it off.
after I chewed it for a bit.
we are ready for the snow.