Saturday, December 2, 2017

a bootiful day for a long walk

it is so nice out today that we taked a very long walk.  we goed back to the liddle wadderfall place.

I ruv lukkiing all around while we walk.  mommy sez I em sumptink callt curius.

we finded a small shower.  I watched the water fall cuzzed I em that sumptink callt curius.

but it made me tirsty seeing the icy fresh water.

So, I drinked sum fresh Colorado spring water.

and sniffed sum leafs.  mommy sed be careful of rattlesnakes Percy.   thin I remembered to her that it is winter time and the snakes are sleeping.
I tink she tinked that big stick next to me wuzzed a snakey.

wowzie-this next pitcher luks like I has a tumor.  I do not, thank goodness.

here is a beddder pitcher- I luk so handsum and smarty.  no tumor in this one.

like always we had gud time togedder and got lots of outside xersize!