Tuesday, November 7, 2017

freezing cold today and my new hat

Evin tho my grass is still green, winter is here and it is only 26 degrees today.  it snowed a liddle bit dis morning so mommy sed "Percy, it is time to get out your winter cap".

she sed "let us put in on yur sweet liddle head so you canz go out to go peepee"

the ear flaps would not stay down to cover my ears, so I made a disappointed face.
mommy tried to help.

but this wuzzed the best we could do.  
Mommy told me that we will have to fix that before the nasty blustery weather comes.

I sure hope so, cuzzed this hat is preddy lame-o.  Don't you agree?  I tink I wud radder has a coat and scarf.  My face sez it all, huh?  maybe I em like elmer fudd hunting those wabbits.  that is all.