Thursday, June 15, 2017

Mr. Pie in the sky, agin

jest lookit who wuzzed waiting for me at the park--mr. pie!  I cud hear him as soon as we left our house  CAW CAW CAW CAW.. he sounded like an angry bird.  we cided to go innyways and go to a diffrint place and hope he wud not notice.  He noticed....and he brought a find. 
He screemed CAW at me and I spun around to lookit him.  Thin before I knowed it his frind wuzzed overhead-do you see him in the upper left side?  Thankfully I did not get dive bombed today, jest CAWed at a lot. mommy sez come on Percy lets hot foot it out of here.  I wundered hows come her foot wuzzed hot, cuzzed mine was not.  We goed to anudder area by our selfs. 
and we finded this big digged hole. at furst I tinked that it wuzzed a grave those angry birds digged for me and mommy and dat they might come peck those big holes in our heads. 
mommy sed, oh no, Percy it is ok.  sum workers digged that hole to fix some pipes, she sed come here and look in.  I was scaret at furst, but win I lukked in this is all I saw.
mommy wuzzed right -- thank you workers... I liked to stand on the piece of grass with the ground still attached.  I standed there for a while cuzzed it wuz cool and squishy.  I tended it wuz my flying carpet!!  I has such good magination.