Saturday, March 10, 2018

a day at the land

we taked a nice trip to Guffey today to hang a new wildlife camera in the woods. it will take surprise pitchers of all of the wildlife while they are minding their own bizness.  deers, elks, rabbits, birds, bears, mountain lions and mudder sed evin bigfeet.  I finded a lot of cool tings on our hike up the mountain.  here are sum.
                                                              deer poopy.
mudder telled me it is callt scat. I tinked that wuzzed whut you yell at a cat to make it go away from you.  innyway, here it is.  lots of it.  do you notice my nose in the pitcher?  it likes to smell scat.

a birds used up nest.  I went peepee on it.
now it can never be used agin.

some deer or elks fur.  do you see my big snout in the corner of the pitcher?
at furst we thought the fur   wuzzed porcupine quills.  
I ate it.

a big fallen tree.
I chewed it all up.

an old rusty tin can
it confused me.

and my best find of all...
A COUPLE OF COOL BONES TO CHEW!!  I picked them up and started to run all proud.
mudder sed  "oh Percy did you find sum antlers?"  
then she saw whut it rilly wuzzed and screamed out "oh hell no, Percy"
                                          I had to drop them down and leave without them.

 this is the face I made when mudder sed I cud not take them home for chewing

me and mudder were going to take a selfie when I decided to eat mudders ponytail instead.

this is the salt and mineral block that we put in camera range to chum in the wild creatures.
I gave it a lick.  it wuzzed preddy gud. 

thin I went and standed in the camera range to see if I wud trip the motion sensor-I did! thin mudder sed, "Percy, get out of the field of view, you are wasting pitchers".  do you see the salt blocks?

 we finded that nature built a pitcher frame-so we sed cheese.

thin we played a liddle bit of hide and seek...can you find me?

here I am!!!!  Ollie Ollie in come free!

anudder very grate day at the land.  tank oo mudder , tank oo.