Thursday, April 21, 2016

great walk is done

                                                          I is so tired I has to take rest

I ruv this pitcher cuz it has fire hydrant at top of hill!  I dent has to use it tho.

phooey to mommy saying no

I say ppplllggghhh to mommy saying no to sticks

maybeeeee this one?

                                                               Moooommmmmmmyyyyy?????  I take home?
                                                              no makes me sad agin

still neighbyhood walk

I still on walk and guessed what I finded!  I done with walk and I just want to tew stick now

My mommy sez no stick, so I give her mad face....
and find big stick still stuck in ground!!  I want to take it home...but....
I hears mommy saying no,

                                                                         So I pout

I tink I go to moon

My mommy and me went on a little walk around today in my neighbyhood.  I m ruvvung Collierado and I has so much to esplore so close to my home even, I show you sum pitchers now

I finded so miny different tinks to walk on.  My mommy says its good for getting use to.  ok