Win i getted inside I learnt that birch odor is whut i em sipossed to be finding. It smells like spearmint. my teacher lady thoughted she wud be sneeky and put the odor inside a tin inside a box
but me, Percy, finded it inyways!
so I lukked at her and sez, you are not as sneeky as you tink you are teacher lady!!
and I finded that birch odor agin, and agin. I evin tore box tops off to git to the odor. cuzzed I gitted cookies win I find that smelly tin! and I ruv cookies and clapping! do you like my working harness?
I tink that is a preddy cool pitcher of me working my search. it shows a lot of motion lukking stuff. cuz I work so fast! bam, like lightening!
I find it evrytime that sneeky teacher lady hides it! I tink noseywork is a lot of fun. I ruv Thursdays!