Friday, August 12, 2016

i waiting for lacey friend

I spectin my frend lacey soon agin so I looking out frunt door.  mommy sez we are going to has lots fun togedder tomorrow.  I so cited.

 well, Lacey is here and she getted lots of atension, so I tewed up mommys catalogs.  see laceys legs?, she wuzzed seeping so I nosed the mess over to her.  I makes it look she made mess.. hehe  laccccey dent git in tubble thos.  mommy sez  Percival whut has you done now? 

she telled me I mite need this juisce for calm

I no wunt juice.  I like me jest hows I em.


lookit whut me and mommy seed on our walk today.  mommy callt it a bull snake, but I tink I call it a bully snake.  it bully cuzzed it wunt let us go past.  we had to wait for bully to leave so we could run bynwhere it wuzzed.  I tink I heared it say hiss.