but my head got all better so me and grouchy pants ASA played togedder. I gave him the sneak attack while he wuz smiling for a pitcher.
look close at his crazy face. his tung is evin hanging out.
he sat down in the snow next to Mudder and now he has snow butt! I tinked it wuzzed funny
I barked out loud about snow butt!
thin I spied with my own eyes-----ICICLES!!!! do you remember I just ate my last one a few days ago?
we collected a batch of them for me to eat after our walks
I wunted one now, mudder gave me several. nom nom, nothing better than fresh icicles-except maybe PORK RINDS !! hey, pork rind flavored icicles wud be a grate idea...
evin grouchy pants had fun in the snow today. the only bad part about this much snow is that I wont git to go on a walk today. but we will do sumptink fun like sum training indoors. please don't go away tomorrow winter...I like you and whut you bring.