Wednesday, December 13, 2017

black neck agin

I taked a long walk thru my nayborhood with mommy today.  and guess whut?  yes, I pulled a lot agin.

mommy sed "Percival, TAKE IT EASY!"
Right at that very moment I turned around and dragged mommy up a hill.  here I am dragging. I was also making huffing sounds, prolly cuzzed I was gitting choked frum pulling.

I did not listen to mommy one bit.  becuz I finded sumptink delishis!  someone lost a loaf of bread!!
and I finded it!  
before mommy evin knowed whut happened, I eated a whole slice.  


here is a close up.  it wuzzed all crusty and hard as a rock, but I eated it right down.

I was glad I eated it becuz we steel had a long way to go on our walk and I needed the inergy.

I gitted to tend I wuzzed a mountin goat agin.  gud ting I eated that bread.  
but I wuzzed steel tired win I gotted home, so I rested for one minute and 34 seconds.
my neck is all black agin, but I sure had fun!