I cud not get to the ball befour Easton no madder how hard I tried...
so in stead I jest sniffed him and then he gave me the wolfman lip like old man Asa duz sumtimez.
we are the same color, dunt you tink? His doggy kind is called Brittany. isn't that a gurls name? oh well, it did not mean a ting to me, I jest really liked Easton a lot, he kept chasing that ball for so long that I jest had to sit down and watch. steel, that wuz fun. he wuz a great new frind. he wuz around 8 years old. I hope I git to see him on anudder walk soon!
bye bye Easton! do you see him running far away in the next pitcher? time for me, Percy to go too
whew, mommy sez I, Percy, is all tuckered out.
tanks Easton!