I sed helooo mudder, is it time for a walk? Mudder sed "not right now Percy, cant you see I'm busy?" I gitted my feelings hurt so I laid down down next to her chair and pouted.
in 2 seconds later, I tried agin, frum the other side. this time I gave her a very sad face too.
I asked mudder if we could play the kitchen towel chase game. Mudder sed "Percy, I am busy right now, maybe later".
I laid down agin and stared at her. I started to whine cry.
I gave her my most disappointed face. mudder sed "poor baby Percy, but I am doing something right now and I need all of my attention on it. so please quit whining and go find something else to do by yourself so I can concentrate." Well, that rilly hurted my feelings. the only thing I cud think to do by myself was creep mudder frum a distance...
the extra sad face worked-mudder sed "come on Percy we better go on a walk and cheer you all up, you look so pitiful"
I don't know whut pitiful is but I need to look it more often!