Thursday, November 16, 2017

the edge of the earth

today mommy and I taked a liddle walk close to our house.  we has been there lots of times before, but today we taked a difrent path.  this is sumptink callt a cairn.  it marks a trail or way.

I gave a Percy smile and sed, well, lets follow the cairns!  we did and we commed to the edge of the earth!.  mommy sed, "dunt get to close to the edge Percy, you might fall right off."

it wuz a long way down.  so I has to stay on my leash.  I injoyed the view and had sum water.

I has so much fun, I jest smiled and smiled.  heres anudder one!

I axilly sniffed out a rabbit and gave voice and we tracked it for a long while.

I wundered where it went.  

but I wuz so interested in the view, I jest stared at the bootiful marvels.

I sure ruv the ventures me and mommy has togedder.  whut a grate life I has.  tank u mommy, tank u.