Friday, March 9, 2018

homestead trail

today mudder told me she needed to clear her head out and that we were going to splore a new trail in Castlewood Canyon.  I wundered whut wuzzed in mudders head, but i wuzzed happy to go splore.

this is callt the homestead trail head.  I'm so cited, I made a happy face.

I looked out over the trail 

I saw sum cool tings-like this liddle tree growing all by itself.

while I wuzzed running and pulling I made mudder tangle up and this pitcher got taken.
mudder wuzzed NOT happy

I feeled a bit sad.
how can she be mad at this face?  thin I made a joke and sed, "whatch you talkin bout Willis? and gave this face....  mudder forgived me right away.

we had a grate rest of our wok. hee hee hee