Sunday, February 19, 2017

my italian frind

do you know whut a Spinone Italiano is?  it is my new bestie....Enzo!  here he is.
I meeted him for the furst time today.  I tinked he maybe wuz a pony, but then he sez hello Percy.  I am a doggie too.  let me hug you, then lets play.  I sed yes, ok.  and we hugged hello.
me, Percy ruvs meeting new frinds.  and Enzo wuz a special one.  we kind of danced a liddle bit.

we has the same color, orange and white!!  and we ruff housed togedder too. and I bited Enzos ear.
thin we had a funny face contest.  who do you tink won??
dis is Cooper, he lives with Enzo, isn't he so great looking?  he is like grouchy old man Asa, black and white.  but Cooper is not grouchy at all.  we all had a pow wow togedder.
thin I sed to my Italian frind Enzo that I had to leave in my jeep and go to Percy class. bye bye.
we had a liddle kiss goodbye
I tink we'll be good buddies furever.  I tink I like Italian frinds.  and I specially tink I like his color. 
Enzo sez that we are BFFs , he puts his arm around me and sez bye bye buddy, Percy come agin soon
                                                                          oh I will!!