mommy sed "don't look away Percy, it is going to happen any second". So I jest watched and waited.
Thin all of a sudden, there wuzzed a lighted star and sum big bangs and pretty lights in the sky.
the star is on to celebrate the season! it wuz so citing. I saw it light up!!
and the fire works were so great! here is sum pitchers of the coolest ones.
do you see the star? this next one I rilly like--it luks like a people who is hasing their arms in the air and saying, this is so great!! WEEEEEEEEE.
me and mommy sed YAY so miny times, we laughed and smiled and sed COOL!
did you notice that the fireworks are red and green for the season? I ruvved it so much.
mommy reminded me that now Santy Paws is watching me to make sure I stay nice for a Christmus gift. I hope I member to not be naughty.