Monday, May 9, 2016

puppy teeth

So I just tew big sticks outside.  I like it outside anywade.  I not doewing this cuzzed of whut Asa telled. me..  no I'm not.

you know, anudder stick

I finded somping strange, a stick sticking up..
 You knowed where I going???
 I going there fast!
nope, it duzzint fit thru flappy thing
Asa tells me secret infronmation that sticks will never ever fit thru flappy ting.  and even if they did Mommy would just maked me take it back outside.  He telled me I mite even git a liddle paddling. 
That is bad secret information.  I runned away frum Asa fast with Scaret face.  Asa has Laughing face cuzzed he knowed he telled me white lie. 
Ode Asa is NOT funny to me.