Tuesday, July 11, 2017

7 Falls

Today wuz anudder venture.  I goed to a place with 7 wadderfalls!  I gotted to do a lot uv new tings.
                                            I  rided a shuddle just like iny udder passenjer!
this is the intry to the wadderfalls
mommy tried to make me a squirrel.  I tink its preddy cool lookink!
thin she tried to make me a bear...it dent work out so well.
                                                 lookit how small we look in this big ole canyon!
I wuz one tirsty doggy.  evin tho I had my own wadder this bucket wadder wuz so yummy.
thin I wokked thru a cave to git to sumptink callt an ellyvater!

my furst time in an ellyvater! it wuzzed jest fine.
the ellyvater tuk us to a platform to see the wadderfalls.  canz you see thim behind me?  I em sayink yay!  I em also wearink my cool bandana around my neck to keep me nice and cool.  tank u mommy.
me and mommy
I sitted in a rockink chair while my mommy climbed sum steps to see the 7 wadderfalls.
we had such a gud time today.  I cud feel the splashing of the wadder.
I ment an indian who said HOW.  I sed how whut?  he did not answer me.
I made lots of new frinds!  and I gotted really dirty too, hee hee hee. it wuz grate!
I rided the shuddle agin back to our jeep and agin, I made sum new frinds.  everyone ruvs Percy!
             tank you for a fun day mommy!  tank you!