Monday, July 10, 2017

boat day

I gotted to go on our big boat today and meet sum fish frinds.  I member I sed I wud swim, but the wind got very windy and the waves were big and kinda fritnink. but luk at the fun I had still!
                                  Before the wind I tended like I wuz the captin.  AHOY maties!
Hi to my first fish frind.

Hi to my next fish frind!  He wuz big and his mouth opened all wide to say "hello Percy frind"!
I wished I cud catch my own fish frind.  but mommy reminded me that I has paws not hands.
see how it is gettink wavey now?
I like to lukk overborde and try to see fish frinds.
me and mommy sure always has a lot of fun togedder on our boat days.  it makes me happy a lot.

Bone voyage!!!