Tuesday, February 7, 2017

my really long hike in the wildraness

mommy had a special sirprize for me today.  she taked me on a so much fun meandering through sumpting callet open space.  I'm glad it wuzzzed open, cuz I worrit that it mite has been closed.  innyways, I will share sum pitchers with you all.  it is callt Dawson Butte.  here is the butte.
I em pointing at it with my tail.
do you know that it wuz 5 miles long?  our hike I mean, not the butte.  I runned full bore for the first 4 1/2 miles!  so winned we got to this sign mommy laughed.  she sed that me, Percy never slows down. 
it telled us to slow down bcuz there cud be horses on the path in the forest and guess whut?
there wuz horses! and they ruved me and I wunted to play. but mommy sed no no Percy, they are too  big and strong. so instead I finded sum of their poopy and rolled in it!   
mommy sed NO Percy, YUCK.  she sed I wud need anudder bathtime.  and I dent want that so I shaked all of the stink off of me.
isn't my face funny in that pitcher?  thin I did a liddle hunting in sum brambles.  I dent find innyting
but win I comed out I was in a big ray of sunshine!  so I gave a funny face jest cuz.
mommy made me go on a horse jump.  thin she laughed cuz she remembered my markings are PMS
the forest wuz so big and I lukked so small.
                                                              it wuz such a good day!
since I runned and runned all day I wuz konked out win I gotted home.  I taked a nap even.
I, Percy, slowed down 😏