Thursday, May 18, 2017

snowy day

mommy wuzzzed right-it commed a big snow storm dis morning.  I wuzzed so wooriet abouot my ladybug frinds. do you member their luv nest in my cherry tree frum yesterday?  here  is my cherry tree   today...OH NO. I lukked up and called out helloooooo bug pals, are you ok? 
nobuggy answered  at all.  but mommy sed its ok Percy, they are seeking sum shelter under the bark.  so I barked!!     and thin I sed... where are they mommy?  I dont see them under  the bark. 
thin I grinned all big becuz I tink I em so funny sumtimes!
and I smirked too.  gosh I tink I shud has my own funny show.