Sunday, January 7, 2018

icicles and frozen wadderfall

me and mudder went on a hike today to see if our wadderfall wuz frozed up yet.

it wuz a icy walk and I pulled and pulled and almost slid down a cliff and taked mudder with me.  I wuz so lucky that mudder keeped a good hold on my leash!  

it wuz like a ice castle!  these icicles were as big as me!

and sure enuff, our wadderfall wuzzed frozed solid.  I kept lukking at it to see if it wud melt and turn to wadder but it never did.  

I lukked up at all of the icicles and pretended I wuz a pirate in a cave.  ayyyeee matie.

it wuz a fun hike, except for the almost sliding overboard part.  I had a black neck after this walk for sure!!  mudder calls me pulling Percy.  I keep her shoulder frum ever heeling up...

I tried to luk sorry for pulling so much, gud thing the sun wuzzed in my eyes-it gives me a gud sorry face.