Sunday, October 8, 2017

a storm is coming

Tomorrow it is going to be winter so mommy sez we has to do sum yard work before it comes.
lookit us, we are both saying yuck.  we don't like yardwork at all.
but I do like yard play!  mommy canz not resist my face like this win I say "chase me"!
Plus I has one of her socks so she has to chase me to git it back.

I am smirking becuzzed I tink it is funny.  I am also smirking bcuz I am wundering why people has to wear socks innyways?  I tink I em going to sit in my tinking chair and tink about it sum more.
nope, I steel don't git it.  but it sure is nice and warm today.  I em not ready for winter tomorrow.