So I tried to giver her anudder chance to be frinds with me and play togedder.
but instead, she hissed at me and tried to tack me.
she stalked me down the hall...
I barked out for mudders help to save me. but whin mudder came, this is whut she saw
Bronwyns sweet liddle kitty cat face jest minding her own bizness and taking a sun nap.
mudder sed "Percy, whut is the madder with you? leave the sweet little kitten alone". Mudder never knows that the new little kitten is rilly an indoor snow cougar jest waiting to eat me up. This is whut she rilly is like to me, Percy
but this is all mudder ever sees
and all mudder hears is friendly happy purring, not the big cougar hiss that she gives to me. SIGH