boy wuz it a long day. me and mommy goed to a rally trial and I gotted to try it 2 times! it sure wuz fun and I learnt that I wuz the furst Basset Hound ever to be in the show for that club! it wuz very hard stuff and I forgetted whut sit means. but I did a ting callt heeling around with my momy. jest watch this liddle video below.
dent you tink I did real good? my tail was smiling the whole time/ but thin I did sumpting that made mommy make a scrunchy face like she had a headache. and her face turnt all red colored. lookit me.
I dent pay iny attention to mommys commands. instead I almost gotted my head stuck in the baby gate and cud have tore down the hole rink. oopsie.
everybody wuz laughink at me so dat made me happy and my tail jest kept smilink.
btw, I did sumpting callt NQ...
mommy wuznt upset, she jest told me that we wud git thim next time. i dont know who we will git but i cant wait to git thim!