Monday, February 13, 2017

no eyes is bedder than this eye

oh no, I tinked my mommy cud has a zombie eye since I chewed hers all up, but win I went to show her her new eyeball this is whut has happened to it.
I cans not give her dis eyeball.  it has gotten all shriveled up now.  oh mommy wud not look preddy with this eyeball at all. 
I wll has to tink of sumpting else.  tomorrow is vowentimes day.  I will give her an I love you card frum me, percy.
keep your paws crossed.

sorry not sorry

I jest ruv gitting these tings callet glasses. they are always the best chew toy in the whole world! they make me so happy that I dent know why it makes mommy so mad.  usually when me, Percy is happy my mommy is happy too!  but not today.  she dent evin hardly lookit me all day.  here is how come.
me, Percy did this.  I tink maybe its the 4rth time I has done it. mommy telled me that these are her eyes and dat I chewed them up. my mommy did not pet me all day
and we dent go on iny walks or did innything fun at all. maybe becuz mommy duz not has eyes innymore.  I wunted to go to the park and show her about that eyeball I finded the other day member it?  here it iz agin.
but mommy sed no
percy, you are bad boy.

  so I moped around.

and around

and around
I guessed I em sorry afterall.  my mommy needs new eyeballs as soon as can be.
I tink I mite see if those zombie eyes are still available on my counter top.  sorry mommy.
love, me,