Sunday, August 13, 2017

A zoo on the river

This river float wuz like going to a zoo.  We meted a lot of animul frinds! These big ole cows sed "moo" to me frum the shore. I sed Heloo big ole cows!

We saw 2 bald eagles too.  But I dent know why mommny callt them bald.  They had lots of feathers.
This is a blue Heron.  I tinked he wuz a flying dinosaur!  He wuz ginormus!
These are callt Sand Hill Cranes.  They mate for life.  It wuz preddy speshial to see them.

And of course this is a Brown Trout.  We saw lots of them!
We saw wild turkeys, raccoons, muskrats and deer too!  It wuz a wildlife adventure.