Saturday, June 24, 2017

ear ends

me and mommy runned sum ear ends togedder today.  furst we goed to Home Depot.  I wuz a liddle board so I helped myself to sum rope in a package.
mommy sed no no Percy, put that back.  it is not a doggy toy.  I jest laughed and smiled.
thin we had to go to Lowes.  mommy saw a tape measure on the ground and sed oh Percy. lets do it
I em over 4 feet long! 
thin we had to go to Pets Mart to git me a new doggy tag for my coller.  I made a new frind.
This is Wally!!
I evin pointed out the fact that Wally wuzzed on sale.  but mommy sed no.  darn it all.
so we jest wint and gotted me a new tag fer my coller.  watch this!  it wuz so cool.
I had sum fun today.  I tink mommy did too!  we has gud times togedder.  mommy laufs at me lots.