I jest sat and stared at it cuz it is so odd. there is also a bathtub. I gotted in. and smiled.
do you see whut is behind me tho? that weirdness is back there.
win we gotted to our land, we set up a pup tent-git it?? heehee, a "pup" tent. I wunted to help.
I ruvved going inside to git away frum the things that git on me.
we gitted our fire ring reddy for our campfire, but I cided I like the taste of old wood and I keeped going in to the ring. so mommy covered it with our table cloth and telled me to STAY OUT.
I did not...I got in and lukked right at her.
wunce our site wuzzed set up we taked a hike up the mountain. here is sum seenery.
we put dried corn out for the wildlife. I standed in the middle of it waiting for the deer to come
they did not
mommy finded a cool stick and used it for a frame while she taked my pitcher!
canz you see that I wuzzed laying on the nice cool dirt ground? I em a liddle dirty.
we also finded a jaw bone of a skelington. oh no. I em worried about zombies now.
I sed "gulp" and tried to hide behind a tree.
I tried to climb the tree to hide. mommy sed Percy, git down frum there, don't you worry about zombies. everyting here is safe and sound.
now my face sez "ok, whew"
lookit at me, funny Percy, photo bombing mommys beautiful nature pitcher!
here is sum more seenery with me being a very great model. I tink someone needs to mow our lawn
I learnt that this is callt a buddermilk sky. I like buddermilk.
I has to go back to camp now for our evening, I will blog more adventures tomorrow.
this wuzzed my face win mommy sed it was time to stop esploring and go relax.