Saturday, April 15, 2017

boat day

we went out on our boat for fishing today.  we went to a big lake.  I member last year I tinked it wuz the ocean.  but I em smarder now and those were the silly old days that I thinked  that.  lookit how smarder I em dis year

for lunch we went to the shore and me and mommy explored all around.  there were ant mounds as big as me. mommy sed no no Percy, don't go near those big ant homes. that ting in frunt of me is one 
I dent go near it.  thin mommy sed no no Percy don't go near those big cow pies.  but I like pies.
mommy sed it wuz cow poopie pies.  how come is poopy called a pie?  I wunted to go near it.
but instead I goed back near the beach.  mommy sed no no Percy don't eat the seeweed
I dent eat it, instead I jest goed pee pee on it.

after lunch mommy catched a big fish.  she wunted it to say hi to me so I sed "hi big fish"
thin all of the sudden it screamed at me with its mouth all open big.  I sed aaauuugghh and wuz scaret
but mommy sed no no big fish, don't scare  my percy.  thin she catched anudder one so I jest sticked my tung out at it and sed phooey.
but thin I has to admit I wuz a liddle curious, so I taked a gud curious luk at him.  he dent scream out
he dent open his mouth or scare me, percy at all.  I liked dis big fish,  but thin mommy put him back in the big lake and he swimmed away.  bye bye big fish! 
I has anudder story to tell you about my venture today, but I em tired up and has to go to bed.  so I will tell you soon.  it will be worth your wait.  it is a movie story!!!  night night for now.