Saturday, February 3, 2018

agility kitty

Well lookit who helped herself to my practice agility tunnel!  BRONWYN, the indoor attack  mountain lion.  I cud not evin believe my eyes.

She entered with such determination
and quickness!  I wuz all jealoused up.  I barked out to my mudder to git that beast out of my tunnel

mudder taked pitchers and sed good cat. she evin gave her a big pat on the head.   lookit bronwyns liddle mouth-she does the tunnel with her tung hanging she has to concentrate all hard about it or sumpting.  mudder sed "look out Percy, Bronwyn is stealing your thunder".  mudder sumtimes duz not make sense to me.  there wuz not iny thunder.  at least that I cud hear. but maybe I dent hear iny becuz I wuz too busy making pouting sounds.