Wednesday, April 12, 2017

landscaping ideaz

well I jest can not git that liddle house out of my doggie mind.  I really must have it.  so I em tinking about some yard ideas.  I want to plant sum of these preddy flowers callt  Twolips.  they are mommys favorite and I tink they are preddy specil cuzzed they tell you when spring is coming.  they sprout up thru snow and win you see dis, you know it is maybe the last snow and springtime iz coming tomorrow. or the next day.
I em also tinking about the trees I wunt in my new yard.  so today on our walk I asked my mommy to take sum pitchers of me with sum preddy trees.  I tink I wunt a white one and a red one!
my mommy telled me that for each white flower on this tree there will be one crabby apple.
I ruv apples but I worry about having crabby ones in my new yard. but it sure is preddy.
win the flowers fall off it looks like snow on the ground. 
next is the red tree that smells like my mommy win she gits out of the shower
so I has to git one for my own yard.  thin it will always smell like mommy. maybe I canz git these frum that cool tree farm we went to.  I has lots of planning for my new liddle house.