Friday, April 22, 2016

Percyback ride

I try to git Asa to give me back ride in to house cuzzed I is tired out frum playing Bassetcorn.  He wunt do it and then hes gotted all grouchypants with me.  Bassetcorns don't like grumpy ode Asa
                                               he howls at the snow, I watch him be ssstrange
and he thinks he is pack leader and first in line, I tink I let him plow way so my trail is eezier. winky

again snow?

well just when I has gotting use to springtime it is winter agin. 
                                             I snickering and tinking ugh
                              but then I member how funny it is to run and play in powedery softness!
 And I scover iced unicorn horns!!  om goodness, ICED UNICORN HORNS in my yard!!
 I learns to snap them in peeces and them eat them up.  They musted be goody for me to eat.
                                        And I tend to be bassetcorn!.  I tink I  m one!
                                               Bassetcorns run and fly very fast thu snowy stuff!!
                                               Dont I handsome Bassetcorn???