I am back in the hospital bucuzzed I ate anudder one. Mudder is scaret becuz the dr. vets say that this time I have to have my tummy cut open so they can git it out.
I has to have an IV and git hooked up to medicines. I em towing up and having mucus diarrhea. Mudder taked me out one more time before my operation. Thin the dr. vet sed he wud check one last pitcher of my insides to make sure the rock is still stuck....
GUESS WHUT????? The rock wuzzed gone!!!! mudder dent evin know it but win I goed outside that last time I pooped it right out! it wuzzed dark and mudder cud not see it. So they taked a flashlight outside and sure enuf-THERE WUZZED THAT BAD ROCK!!!!
everybuddy hooped and hollered and mudder and Phil nearly cried tears of happiness! I em so happy too, becuz now I git to come home!
It sure wuzzed a long and stressfull day, but I em home and snuggled up with my cattypiller. ahhh.