Sunday, May 7, 2017

my long lost frind

do you member my frind mr. pinch?  well today i goed back  to his lake so i looked for him.
i callt and callt his name, but no mr. pinch commed.  thin mommy sed oh no Percy, lookit. so i did. and jeepers, this is whut we saw.  this wuzzed all that wuzzed left of my frind.  i cried out and sed "NO"
jest his pinchie claw wuzzed left there.  i wuzzed so sad.  i hated that news.   but thin, i finded sumptink that had washed ashore!  a big ole red yummy apple!!!  i cudnt believe my good luck.
i grabbed it up and runned with such joy.

i ate it up and thin for good measure I eated up a bunh of dried seaweed too.
                                                           and sum fresh seaweed too
                                     next  we almost gotted swallowed up by sum quick sand

i wuzzed buzy smellink the fast sand win mommy screemed, eeeeek  look out Percy!! a spider is on the beach, run for you life!!
so I did!   i runned so fast and so far.  mommy cudnt evin keep up with me.  i stopped and  lukked to make sure the spider didn't git her

and we jumped back in the boat and wint out and did sum fishing to git our minds clear of tings.
but i cudnt git that big spider out of my mind...  i cudnt stop tinking about poor mr pinch too.
we jest watched sum waves togedder & had a somber time. a big storm rolled in and made us sad to

mommy tellt me that we wud do sumpting fun tomorrow to take sad away.