Friday, April 7, 2017

show day!

well, guess whut?!  I goed to the doggy show today and I did my performance with this map.
                                                                here I em doing the map
it wuzzed so fun.  thin when we getted done with the map, the judge gived me a big ole hug and kiss
he sed good job Percy, you doned such good job.
and do you see whut he gived me mommy?  yup, that's right--2 giant ribbons!!
that's cuzzed I getted a qualifying score in rally novice and I gitted my furst leg towards my title
yay us!  that one sign wuz sumpting I had to know how to do--call front, finish right, forward.
I knowed how to do it all today, and dat is how come I getted a leg.  my mommy wuzzed so happy
thin I getted to see my sidder Charlie Girl!!  we played and played and I made silly faces.
and of course me and mommy and Charlie girl and Carole taked our special pitcher togedder.
oh we has both growned up so much.  I sure wish we cud see each udder more often.  I miss my sister
I also gotted to meet sum new special frinds at the show today.  and I jest layed around sum too.

I has such good day.